
US Covid Atlas Oral Histories Program

License & Terms of Use

Thank you for participating in the US Covid Atlas Oral Histories program (the "Program"). The Program's goal is to compile a record of our collective experiences during, and as a result of, the COVID-19 pandemic. Our intent is to make donated material widely accessible to researchers and the public for the purpose of conducting research and archiving our individual and shared experiences of this extraordinary time. This license sets forth the terms that will govern our use of any materials you choose to contribute to the Program.

Donating My Story

In donating my photos, audio, video, written, or other materials (the "Licensed Material") to the Program, I agree to the following terms:

I certify that I am at least 18 years of age (if under the age of 18, this consent form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian, if under the age of 13, you are not able to participate at this time), and I voluntarily agree to share my interviews, images, and personal documents with the US Covid Atlas Project ("the Atlas") and the University of Chicago ("the University").

I am the original author or creator of the entirety of the Licensed Material. To the best of my knowledge, the materials I am submitting do not infringe or violate any rights of others.

I understand that I shall receive no compensation for the materials I share. I will receive a link to download a copy of my materials after submitting.

Basic Permissions

I retain the original copyright of my Licensed Material, and I may use them for any purposes. I agree to freely share my interview (and other items listed above), under a non-exclusive, perpetual license that permits the Licensed Material to be distributed in part or in whole through the US Covid Atlas website and related media, including but not limited to print, presentation, and the internet. Specifically, I permit the Atlas and the University to:

  1. Make a digital reproduction of my Licensed Material and to retain the digital reproduction.

  2. Display digital reproductions of my Licensed Material via the Internet or successive technologies.

  3. Create derivative works from my Licensed Material such as edits or compilations.

  4. Distribute copies of my Licensed Material or derivatives to users and partners of the Atlas and the University.

  5. To grant third parties any of the foregoing rights.

Identity and Authorship

In the publication of my Licensed Material in the Atlas, the following information will be made publicly available:

Removing my Materials

I have the right to request my Licensed Materials be removed at any time. The Project development is scheduled to stop in May 2023, so my request to remove materials will be accommodated through that date. After May 31st, 2023, we may be unable to accommodate your request to remove your Licensed Materials. To request removal of my Licensed Materials, you should:

Liability and Compensation

I waive any right to inspect or claim any form of remuneration for the use of the Licensed Material in any Atlas or University publication; any other form of media published by the Atlas, the University, or another institution authorized to use my Licensed Material; or any newspaper or other commercial media outlet.

These terms and conditions are governed by Illinois law.


By accepting these terms of service, you consent to receive emails regarding your submission and, if selected, future reserch opportunities.